Research Article
Hussein Aziz Naser¹*, Aedha F Ibrahem2,Hashim A Hashim3
Basophil is one of the granulocytes leukocytes that has many functions, one of them is the
secretion of heparin. The aim study is investigated the correlate the basophilic count with the
low endogenous heparin and thrombosis in the deep veins and the thromboembolism. A
cross-sectional study conducted at Al Sader Medical City (radiology unit, Doppler unit study
and emergency room) during the period from December 2015 to February 2017 included 203
patients with diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) by Ultrasonic Doppler study or
pulmonary embolism (PE) by CT pulmonary angiography. A group of 205 subjects without
evidence of DVT were used as a control. One hundred sixty-seven patients (82.3%) had DVT
for first time, while 14 (6.9%) had recurrent DVT, and 22 (10.8%) had PE. The total male
number has thromboembolism disease 52 but total female number is 151 with a male to
female ratio was 1: 2.9. At current study founded the basophil percent and basophil count in
patient with thromboembolism disease was decreased than normal value, The mean basophil
percent in thromboembolism disease was 0.35% ± 0.28% while mean basophil count is 30 ±
26, It had been significantly found that basophil percent and basophilic cell count had a strong
association with thromboembolism. Basophil percent had a sensitivity of 82%, specificity
79.5% and accuracy of 80.8%. The corresponding values of these parameters for the basophil
count were 85%, 73.2% and 79.1%. In conclusion; both low basophil percent and the
basophilic count are significantly associated with DVT, recurrent DVT and PE.
Keywords: Basophil; Thrombosis; Pulmonary angiography