Research Article
Amjaad Majeed Hameed¹*
Uterine leiomyomas (fibroids or myomas) are the commonest benign tumor of the pelvic organs in females, accurate mapping of myomas is essential for treatment. Many studies, used ultrasonography (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to determine myomas localization, number and measurement, recently concern has been increasing rate of hysterectomy for myoma in women who have complete childbearing. The aim of the study is to compare US, MRI results with pathology that is regard as a gold standard in detection, localization and measurement of the uterine lieomyoma. A comparative study was done during the period from July 2012 to April 2016 in AL-Diawanyia general teaching hospital in Iraq all included female patients had uterine myomas and all of them had pelvic ultrasonography, MRI and hysterectomy, the results were compared with pathological results. Both US and MRI results were compared with pathology result and the correct detection rate of myoma in ultrasound was low (73.3%) if compare with MRI detection rate (98.1%) with significant P 0.001. Mean number of myomas in US was (1.62±1.07), in MRI was (2.14±149) and in pathology was (2.15±1.50), mean diameter of myomas in pathology was 3.49±2.21, in MRI was 3.58±2.21 with P value 0.360 while in US mean number was 4.37±1.73with P value 0.002. Regarding myomas’ localization, there is no significant difference between MRI & pathology (P =0.1573) but there is high significant difference in myomas’ localization in US and pathology(P=0.00889). In conclusions; MRI is indicated when exact myoma mapping is required.
Keywords: Uterine myoma; Magnetic resonance imaging; Ultrasonography