Research Article
Abdulaziz Wannas Abd1*, Mahmood Jasim Mohammed 2
Poisoning in any medical centre is considered as one of the most common medical emergencies in children. Acute poisoning in children constitute about less than three percent of all pediatric emergency admissions. The aim of study; to evaluate acute poisoning in children below 15 year old admitted to emergency unit. Hydrocarbons were the most common poisonous substances leading to hospitalization; we had the highest frequency of admissions in winter. Further, the highest number of poisonous cases was in January and December 79 case and lowest rate 23 case was observed in October; there is an increasing trend in proportion of kerosene poisoning from December to February. The rate of suicidal attempt is very low in our study only 6 cases this result is contrary to other two studies, these are common in adolescent also related to the nature of social environment and learning in each area. In our society accidental kerosene poisoning, which the most common cause of the intoxicated patient admitted to the emergency unit, occur when the patient try to do procedure to prepare kerosene heater stove or for light (lantern). Only very few cases is related to suicidal attack in our study, We recommend to remove all the poisoning agent as soon as possible from the areas easily reach by the child (removal of poisonous plants and removal of fuel sources like kerosene). Poison control centre to triage poisonings, prepare service accurate and timely advice to health personnel and caregiver should be available in each governorate.
Keywords: Poisoning, Causes, Hospital outcome, Aldiwaniah, Iraq