Research Article
Shoroq Mohammed AL-Temimi*
MiR–92 is one of six miRs encoded by the miR-17-92 cluster and its one of the best-characterized oncogenic miR clusters. A role for miR-92 in the pathogenesis of human cancers has been implicated by the high incidence of amplification in multiple neoplasm. The objective of this study is to estimation the miR-92 gene expression levels in both fresh tissues and serum ofsame ovarian cancer patients by using stem-loop follow by Taq-Man Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) technique and correlate the miR-92 gene expression with stages and lymph node involvement of ovarian cancer patients. Stem-Loop RT-PCR was performed to identify the level of miR-92 gene expression in both fresh tissues and serum of same ovarian cancer patients. The expression levels of miR-92 relative to mRNA of GAPDH were determined by using the livak method. Mean fold change of miR-92 was statistical significantly higher in ovarian cancer from precancerous tissues. Mean fold change of serum miR-92 gene expression was higher statistical significantly difference from healthy control , mean fold change of miR-92 in advance stage( III,IV) was higher statistical significantly difference from that early stage (I,II) and mean fold change of miR‑92 in patient with positive lymph node was higher statistical significantly difference from that of negative lymph node .There was no significant associationbetween gene expression of miR-92 and age of patients. Together we concluded that the over-expression of miR-92 were observed in serum patients with epithelial ovarian cancer compared with healthy controls, and miR-92 gene expression levels increased with lymph node involvement and advance stage of epithelial ovarian cancer.
Keywords: Epithelial ovarian cancer, miR-92, stem-loop RT-qPCR