Research article

Zainab Sahib Abuhanen Quraish
Copyright © 2024 Alkubaisi. This is article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
A collection of moldy filamentous belonging to the orders Zygomycetes additionally Mucorales produce the infection known as mucormycosis. A frequent name for mucormycosis is "black fungus disease." This infection primarily affects diabetics and people with impaired immune systems. Inhaling mold containing industrial oxygen increases the risk of mucormycosis while COVID-19 infection lowers patients' immunity. The main goal of this review is to supply a thorough synopsis of COVID-19, recognize the essential fungal agent, and illustrate the Invasiveness and morbid manifestation as complications of COVID-19. During 2023, a thorough literature search was conducted using keywords like "Mucormycosis", "Blackfungus," "Mucorales," and "Zygomycetes," in search engines including PubMed, Google Scholars, Research Gate, and SCOPUS. If not properly detected, the rare invasive fungal infection known as mucormycosis has a greater fatality rate. Mucorales frequently attack the endothelial cells in vascular tissue. Depending on anatomical localization, mucormycosis can be classified into six different categories; disseminated, miscellaneous, gastrointestinal, pulmonary, cutaneous, and rhino-cerebral. In conclusion; In the review of available literature, we present a summary of the key variables that influence the Black-Fungus (Mucormycosis) development in novel COVID-19 patients.
Keywords: Invasiveness, Mucormycosis, Complications, Black-Fungal, COVID-19
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