Research article

Asaad Adil Mnaather *1, Sarah Noaman Shaker 1, Maitham abed shawwat 2, Ali Muhammad Kadhim 3, Ali hussein Abdul Al wahid 3, Ali Qasim Salman 1
*Correspondence author:
Strokes, also known as cerebrovascular accidents, are a leading cause of morbidity and death in the US. One common morbidity that post-stroke patients face, urinary incontinence, is linked to long-term disability and the impact of institutionalization on these individuals. Half of people hospitalized after a stroke have urinary incontinence (UI), which is frequently mismanaged. The aim of this study is to determine the outcomes of urinary incontinence post-stroke for one to two weeks. A descriptive study (follow-up) is used to conduct these study assess for urinary incontinence, then monitoring for the second days of admission, after one week of contact with each patient either by telephone or visiting patients at the house, these processes recurrent after two weeks for some patients. The study shows that the mean age was 63.12, also without intervention most study samples need one to two weeks to return bladder function and treat urinary incontinence with approximately (60%) after two weeks post-stroke, and all participants had one of the most significant risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and smoking. In conclusion, urinary incontinence is common after a stroke for all age groups and does not require significant drug or surgical interventions. It relies on common treatment programs in hospitals, including physical therapy, for a period ranging from one to two weeks for most cases.
Keywords: Post-stroke, Urinary incontinence, Ischemic stroke, Hemorrhagic stroke, Risk factors
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