Research Article
Ayad yas khudair ¹
Research Article
This study was aimed to determine the incidence of breast cancer in women diagnosed with breast cyst by ultrasonography. A study was carried out on 124 women aged from 25–70 year suffering from breast cyst, presented between Feb 2016 and Oct 2019. Diagnosis was obtained by case history, clinical signs and physical examination of all women and established with ultrasonography with high-frequency (7.5-10-MHz frequency) to determine the breast carcinoma in breast cyst. Cysts were classified as simple cysts, complicated cysts or complex cyst. Highest percent of breast cyst was recorded in ages ranged from 35-50 year (84.6%). The size of cysts less than 2 cm was 86 (69.4%) while cyst more than 2 cm about 38 (30.6 %). The prevalence of breast carcinoma was 3.23% among other benign breast cyst. This study recorded 72.6% simple breast cyst and 14.5% complicated breast cyst and 12.9 % complex cyst. From this study we can conclude that the prevalence of breast cancer is 3.23% among other benign breast cyst, in addition to ultrasonography is a good idea for confirmation of breast cyst and cancer.
Keywords: Breast cyst, Ultrasonography, Simple cysts, Complicated cysts, Breast carcinoma
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