Sanjay D. Dandona 1, Velusamy Mohanty 2, Samarasimha Ganeshkumar 1*
Breast cancer commonest cancer of urban Indian women and the second commonest in the rural women. It has different epidemio-clinical characteristics compared with European countries. The purpose of this study is to investigate prognosis and survival rate of breast cancer patients related with Ki-67 proliferation index in multicenter through retrospective study. We reviewed all patient’s data in registration center of Medical Oncology Departments, in the period 2016-2020. Data has been collected on 760 breast cancer patients. Our resulted data showed most prevalent comorbidities associated with breast cancer were cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and anemia. Ki-67 index >28% mostly associated with early age female, lymph node involvement (p=0.001), advanced tumor grade (p=0.00012) and risk of relapse (p=0.004). Survival rate was decreased in patients with (ER, PR, Her2 negative (triple negative breast cancer.
Keywords: Ki-67 index, Breast cancer, Retrospective study