Research Article
Mohammed R Obaid¹*, Addi Al Ali 2
Case report
We reported 38-year-old female patient who complained of pain and recurrent episodes of right knee joint swelling for the last 15 years. After anamnesis, physical examination and radiographic imaging and magnetic resonance were diagnosed with arborescent lipoma of the knee, and the patient underwent two operations, 1st one arthroscopic surgery for resection of the lesion (partially), 2nd one [after 2 years] open arthrotomy. Histopathology for biopsy was done for both operations, which confirmed the presence of benign synovial tissue and fragments of adipose tissue present beneath the synovial surface. Postoperatively, on 2-years follow-up, the patient was free of pain and devoid of any mechanical symptoms, but all sudden patient developed pain limping, and swelling in the same right knee joint, the same steps of clinical examination and investigations as mentioned above was done, MRI showing the recurrence of the lesion.
Keywords: Knee; Lipoma arborescens; Synovial membrane