Retroperitoneal traumatic lesions are among the most challenging and serious emergencies, and necessitate a maximum of attention and expertise by the surgical team involved. Only with a careful judgment about the procedures to carry on it is possible to obtain valid results, which often means to safe the patients life. This is a prospective study, which included 30 patients with traumatic retroperitoneal hematoma, admitted to AL-Hussien Teaching Hospital for the period between Dec. 2017 – Nov. 2019 (22 months). They were analyzed regarding age, sex, type of trauma, signs and symptoms, relevant laboratory tests and radiological studies, operative findings, associated organ injured, methods of treatment, postoperative complications and their mortality rate. Most patients were males (77.2%). Young age group was more frequently injured (34.85%) of patients were in their third decade. Penetrating injury was the cause in majority of collected patients (83.3%). The commonest zone of retroperitoneal hematoma was zone 2 (74.24%) and the commonest site was the lateral perirenal hematoma. In conclusion; the presence of lesions on the retroperitoneum generally worsens the prognosis in traumatic pathology. All types of trauma, blunt or open, may involve retroperitoneal structures and organs. Associated abdominal organs injury may include the great vessels, pancreas, duodenum, oesophagus and genitourinary apparatus.