Research Article
Talib F. Abbas*
Unfortunately, many type of chemical drugs approved their unsafely, after period of use, it have been withdrawn from markets. Otherwise, herbal medicine wide spread in using and application, with some modification if it’s necessary. Shamar herbs Foeniculum vulgare Mill, is a herbaceous plant of the family Umbillflorae, native to the Mediterranean, have a WHO recommendation, is a main component of many manufactured drugs in pediatrics. It is commonly known as fennel has been in medicine as analgesic, digestive, diuretic, lactigenous, anti-inflammatory, anti- spasmodic agent. Crude extract for the verification of biological activity was prepared from seeds bought in the markets. The antimicrobial activity was determined by paper disc diffusion test and minimum inhibitory concentration MIC. The tested microorganisms were clinical isolates obtained from bacteriology sector of Al- Samawa hospital for women and children, It had been evaluated its biological activity in 3 different model of microorganism (E. coli, Klepsiella spp. and Pseudomonas spp.). Results of evaluation approved the biological activity of Foeniculum vulgare Mill as bactericide effect. The MIC show quantity and quality effects of fennel on the Microorganism model, The Coliform inhibited by the lower concentrations gradient, Klebsiella spp. had affected by higher doses, while, the Pseudomonas spp. did not show any change for all concentrations gradient. Therefore, shamar ( Fennel) extract had a pharmacological character in treat many GIT, respiratory infection, in addition to its favor effect in nursing and lactation.
Keywords: Fennel; Antimicrobial activity; Foeniculum vulgare