Research Article
Hassan Abdul Amir AL-Daghir
We tried to verify the incidence of metabolic syndrome in cases which are admitted into
coronary care unit, their most common presentations and how to deal with so as to reduce
squeals and to decrease incidence of recurrence. We studied our cases by gender, age
groups, presentation (whether unstable angina or myocardial infarction), sudden cardiac
death, sleep apnea, serum uric acid, smoking, socioeconomic status, lipodystrophy, poly
cystic ovaries, peripheral arterial disease, stroke, family history, diabetes mellitus,
hypertension and lipid profile. We found 150 out of 250 cases studied (60%) fulfilling criteria
of metabolic syndrome according to European society of cardiology, European society of
hypertension consensus definition and in these metabolic syndrome cases DM was found in
76 (50.66), hypertension in 88 (58.66), obesity in 114 (76%), low high density lipoprotein in
140 (93.33%) and high serum triglyceride in112 (74.66%) of cases. In conclusions, metabolic
syndrome is commonly found in cases admitted into Samawah CCU (both with unstable
angina and acute myocardial infarction). All elements of Mets (hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
obesity, low HDL, high STG) are commonly found in our cases so we should deal with all these
parameters in a meticulous way as a primary care and for secondary prevention so as to
reduce the incidence of ischemic heart diseases and their complications
Keywords: Metabolic syndrome; Unstable angina; Myocardial infarction; Peripheral arterial disease