Research article

Hajir Ibraheem Makhlif Al-Taee *1 , Mohammed Waheeb Salman Al-Obaidi
*Correspondence author:
COPD, a chronic respiratory illness with high mortality and morbidity worldwide, may be exacerbated by dyslipidemia. The aim of study is to assess prevalence of dyslipidemia in COPD patients and to evaluate its correlation with COPD severity. Between 2023 and 2024, Baghdad teaching hospital respiratory diseases outpatient clinic recruited 70 COPD patients for cross-sectional research. Anyone over 40 with COPD was sampled. Patients' lung function and lipid levels were documented. The study of 70 COPD patients found significant differences in demographics and clinical metrics across three severity groups (A, B, E). Key findings include higher mean age and lower mean FEV1/FVC% in the most severe group E, and significant correlations between lung function metrics (FEV1%, FEV1/FVC%, PEF%) and lipid profiles. Group E also exhibited the lowest serum HDL and highest triglycerides among the groups. In conclusion; Dyslipidemia is a common condition in COPD-patients that may correlate negatively with disease severity and lung functions.
Keywords: COPD dyslipidemia, lung functions, triglycerides
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