Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 8, Issue 1, 2021 Page 10-19 Musaed hekmat AL-Dahhan 1 * Correspondence author:, 1Department of surgery, College of Medicine, Al-Muthanna University Received February 02, 2021; revised April 03, 2021; accepted April 28, 2021; published May 03, 2021 Abstract Chronic low back and lower extremity pain is mainly caused…
Author: Muthanna Medical Journal
Update options in the treatment of coccydina(tail bone pain): article review
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 8, Issue 1, 2021 Page 1-9 Ali Taha Hassan Al-Azzawi 1 * Correspondence author: 1Department of surgery, College of Medicine, Al-Muthanna University Received February 12, 2021; revised April 11, 2021; accepted April 21, 2021; published April 30, 2021 Abstract This literature review is intended to provide oversight on the…
Comparison of the healing effect of occlusive hydrocolloid dressing and conventional gauze dressing concerning hernia operations in children
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 79-85 Abdulsattar Jubair Ali *, Thaker Thiab Hmood 1 * Correspondence author: 1Alramadi teaching hospital, Iraq Received 11 October 2020, Accepted 22 December 2020, Available online 26 December 2020 Abstract The purpose is using the occlusive hydrocolloid dressing (OHD) and gauze dressing (GD) to…
Management of retroperitoneal hematoma
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 71-78 Ayad yas khudair 1 * Correspondence author: 1Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital, Samawah, Al-Muthanna, Iraq Received 01 September 2020, Accepted 15 November 2020, Available online 19 December 2020 Abstract Retroperitoneal traumatic lesions are among the most challenging and serious emergencies, and necessitate a maximum of…
Immunotherapy and prevention of breast cancer
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 58-70 Neelam Thacker 1, Perianayagam Taneja * Correspondence author: 1Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, India Received 19 September 2020, Accepted 11 November 2020, Available online 16 December 2020 Abstract Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and is a leading cause of…
Presbycusis and hyperlipidemia: Is there any link?
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 47-57 Refad Abdul Azeez 1, Ahmed Al Ansary 2, BThenoon Yasin 2 * Correspondence author: 1Al Sadar Teaching Hospital/ Basrah, Iraq 2Basrah Teaching Hospital/ Basrah, Iraq Received 11 September 2020, Accepted 02 November 2020, Available online 15 December 20200 Abstract Age related hearing loss is…
Etiology and outcome of peritoneal dialysis in 100 patients with chronic renal failure in Al-Ramadi Teaching
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 41-48 Haitham N. AL-Koubaisy 1, Khalid A. AL-Rawi 1, Bahget sweedan 2 * Correspondence author: 1University of Anbar, College of Medicine, Department of Medicine 2Anbar Health organization. Ramadi Teaching Hospital, Department of Medicine Received 27 August 2020, Accepted 20 October, Available online 22 November 2020…
Comparison of surgical out come between virgin carpal tunnel syndrome and previous local steroid injected tunnel
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 33-40 Research Article Ali Shahad Safi, Hussein abdradi Alseady, Mohammed Hassan Younise * Correspondence author: Al Hussain teaching hospital/ AL-Samawa Received 20 July 2020, Accepted 19 October, Available online 22 October 2020 This is an article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons…
The Chronic Liver Diseases from Autoimmune cause, Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH): Updating Review
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 2, 2020 Page 12-17 Research Article Baydaa Hameed Abdullah, Huda Jaber Waheed, Zahraa A.E Alnaqqash1 * Correspondence author: 1College of pharmacy, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad Received 10 Jun 2020, Accepted 01 August 2020, Available online 05 August 2020 This is an article distributed under the terms of the…
Molecular Mechanisms and Immunomodulatory Effects of Platinum Analogs on Some Genes and as Anticancer Drugs: Review Article
Muthanna Medical Journal Volume 7, Issue 1, 2020 Page 20-26 Research Article Dalia Abdalkader Shakur1, Suhad Faisal Hatem Al-Mugdadi2*, Inam S. Arif1 * Correspondence author: 1Mustansiriyah University/ College of Pharmacy/ Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Iraq, 2Mustansiriyah University/ College of Pharmacy/Department of Clinical Laboratories sciences /Iraq Received 25 May 2020; accepted 10 June…